Players may go to PFA


Well-Known Member
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 15, 2012
Can’t link the article as it’s behind a paywall on the athletic.

Players apparently considering approaching the PFA about the way the women’s team is being run.

They currently don’t have a manager, it appears no one is really handling recruiting new players and there’s still serious concerns about the facilities.

Glazers cutting costs again?
It's a sad situation especially when you realize the entire women's team makes in total what Phil Jones makes sitting his arse on the treatment table. The cheapskate Glazers should fully invest in the women's game.
Let’s hope it is covered at the next fans forum that our owners attend as it’s not on when they’re still insisting they will take dividends every year.

With Covid protocols removed next season hopefully they’ll be back at carrington but I believe even that needed some work to properly integrate the women’s team.

I always felt they were pressured into bringing the women’s team back they had no real desire to do it. it doesn’t need an internal review it needs sorting quickly.
It needs a review if the people they put in charge have muffed it.
They said the ladies team problems were on their list, so let's hope they meant it, or else all the other stuff is garbage too
Sounds to me like a similar story of pretty much everything at the club for the last 10 years mate been left to rot with the absolute bare minimum being done to maintain things.

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